Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stupid Potato Chip Companies

Dear Potato Chip Companies,

 I am highly annoyed by the fact there is more air in the bag then potato chips. I don’t remember paying my hard earned 50 cents for air. I am filled with disappointment every time I open a bag of potato chips.

Afternoon snack time is the worst. IT IS VERY DISAPPOINTING TEARING INTO A BAG OF LAYS TO FIND AIR WHERE MY AFTERNONN SNACK SHOULD BE. Nothing is sadder than a nearly empty bag of potato chips when you are starving. It seems you potato chip companies forgot to fill the bag with the most important ingredient, IDIOTS!!

Another thing, can you morons do anything about the fart smell that seeps out of the bag when opened? You guys make enough money gipping the world selling us air bags, you could at least find a better scent for disappointment. Whenever someone opens a bag of chips it’s like, okay, WHO FARTED? Potato chip companies you are just filled with so much disappointment. (THREE THUMBS DOWN)

I prefer Pringles now, you get more for your buck and those little things are packed with flavor. You can seal it when you are done and they won’t get hard after sitting out for 24 hours. With Pringles you get more for your money and a nice pop-top can. Pringles also smell like what they are advertising, if you are expecting blue cheese chips you will get blue cheese potato chips not fart cheese.

Why are potato chip bags half full? Is there a reason for this disappointment? I read somewhere that stupid potato chip companies fill the bag with air to protect the chips from crumbling during the shipping process. Why not make bigger bags for more potato chips and the protective air for the hungry people who love potato chips?

The price went up and the quantity went down when I was a kid potato chips cost 25 cents and the bags were the same size but filled with more potato chips. Now the price went from 25 cents to 50 cents an there are less chips and more air. Why pay more for less? THIS IS TRULY UNFAIR, I HATE YOU SELFISH PRICKS!

I will be sticking to veggie chips and Pringles for now on. Veggie chips are healthier and their bags aren’t filled with air. Pringles are tastier and again you get the bang for your buck. I am very disappointed with Lay’s and Wise chip companies the most. In my end result I will no longer be eating you air bag chips ….




No Longer A Air Bag Eater . . . .

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